Ambleside Meats CC.


The History

The Luffingham Family had always supplied a local and long-standing Pork Manufacturing Company.

When Lance Luffingham returned to Ambleside Farm in 1996, he continued with the legacy that his grandfather had started all those years ago. The business entity Ambleside Meats CC. was registered on the 18 March 1999. After five long years of jumping through hoops and cutting through red tape, approval was finally granted to build the abattoir in 2001.

Lance managed to convince two other local pig farmers and friends of his, Mark Robinson and Arnold Boettiger to take a leap of faith and invest in the project and to become shareholders in the business. Finally, the project was completed, and the first pig came through the slaughter line on the 22 April 2004.

In May of 2004 a young gentleman by the name of Jason Bruwer approached Lance to contract slaughter for his fledgling business called Natal Pork & Bacon in May of 2004.

With the closing down of a long-standing Pork Manufacturing Company in the local area soon after opening, there was a huge need to slaughter for all the other farmers in the local area. The business grew exponentially learning many lessons within a short space of time.

The business relationship between Lance and Jason blossomed, and on the 13 November 2006 they became working members and Natal Pork & Bacon was absorbed into Ambleside Meats CC. Jason thus became the fourth member of the business.

On the 1st of September 2017 we finally received our ZA Certification after many years of hard work and commitment by both management and staff alike.

The best quality meat with the best service!

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